Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Blog post

Here I am writing on a blog that I created to not write blog posts on.


I was feeling mildly blue last night. I read My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix.

I had avoided this book, despite really enjoying Horrorstör and absolutely loving We Sold Our Souls. But I avoid stuff about high school generally and '80s stuff specifically, especially anything with even the tiniest whiff of nostalgia.

First, nostalgia is a cancer.

Second, '80s nostalgia is a particularly aggressive cancer that needs to fought at every turn, because, as someone who lived through them, they were culturally absolutely awful. They should absolutely never be treated as some culturally positive time in our history.

As it turns out, the book is very good and didn't enrage me for its nostalgia, which it maintains a whiff of, but thankfully doesn't revel in. The thing that was difficult for me was the question of friendship as presented in it compared to my own life.

Now, mind you, I'm heading into Seasonal Affective Disorder time here. Considering how short and crummy this summer was, I'm doing pretty well with it, using a variety of things in concert with one another, including having an awesome family, although Conan is showing increasing signs of the same affliction.

I feel like I might have done poorly by people I could have or should have been friends with or done something more to maintain the friendships I've had and have let slip by.

Some part of me misses the idea of letter writing. I think there was even a period in the '90s when I might have been emailing people in some similar ways that people in times past used to sit with a quill or pen and write missives of much introspection, but those days slipped by. Now, I rarely think to check my email even less write anything meaningful... or mind you, even think to write anything and then skip.

I think I meant to do more today. Maybe not massively productive stuff, but I've listened to a lot of Ramones and wrote this post. It's not nothing.

P.S. I read them all years ago, but I'd totally use up some Audible credits on audiobook editions of Dee Dee Ramone books, Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones, Legend of a Rock Star and especially Chelsea Horror Hotel. Just sayin'...

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